On the last day of 2008.....
I cried......
It hurt me badly....
It make me heartbreak....
When you say I treat you like a dog.....
This is how you define my love to you..
"A Dog Love"
I don't know what to say or do now...
Feel like shutting myself up...
But still, I need to work like hell today till 2am....
Hope my workloads will overcome my emptiness.....
Good Bye 2008.... Welcome 2009....
Last day of 2008
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsMy Christmas Pressie!
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsLatest piczzz
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsMy baobei sweet sweet Darlin
on the way~~~
Jap dinner @ Jurong Point
Waiting for Darlin to change...
Stupid Twinkle
My MOST Expensive Transaction
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsMy MOST Expensive Transaction..... Baby Jazz~~~~~~~~~~~~ (>_<)~
So now no $$$ liao... gonna rot at home EVERYDAY...... and fri kana food poisoning.. vomit at 7am on sat... (-_-l)ll.. didn't go BBQ... sianzzzz.... who the F curse me~!! last time Mitch BBQ oso kana food poisoning.. sobsob.. now oso... sobsob.. must b a curse.. sobsob...
Our Baby jazz
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsDear God,
You had drop me a baby Jazz.. We will take good care of her. Love her and Saiyang her.. Plz bless us with birth cert no tat are good.
Sheng Fu & Xiuling
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsToday is friday... hmmm.. should be happy right? but tomorrow i have to go work.. saded.. wahahaha... Got a whole lot of things i need to do.. later 2,30pm meeting housekeeping and maintences to put up the christmas tree +deco.. 3pm got photoshoot at captain table. got v day poster+menu to do. i think that will take me couple of days. so sian and tired. COE only $2!!! so temp!! feel like getting a car.. wahahaaha... actually, if i dun hav to pay my internet+hp+cable bills + force myself to save $400 per month.. i tink i could get a car... "IF" i dun hav to pay my bills... well.. that's out of the question.. I need to pay.. wahhaha... So... i so envy those ppl who get 1k++++++++ still can get a car...cos they dun hav to pay all this and got their parent supports.. which i can't... it's not tat my parent dun support la.. is that a car is a want.. not a need.. so.. well... If i really wan a car, i need $$ to support tat car and myself.. i dun wan to suffer cos of a car or wat.. hehe... so i let fate to drop me a car... wahhahahahaa.... hope it will not ended up on my head though.. hehe.. :D
So sian... gonna do work now liao.. hehe..
Dinner @ QX place
Posted by: Me, 0 comments
two hungry men....
Peggie + Mitch
Kana caught on cam for eating too much!!
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsBy: 田希仁
第1, 魚座的女孩很愛幻想,不夠實際。有時侯她會為人生畫下理想藍圖,因而覺得生命充滿希望,雀躍不已。她的情緒常因為一點點風吹草動而起了變化。朋友的遭遇、悲傷的電影,甚至於她的幻想,都可能是影響她情緒的原因。
第2, 雙魚座的女人很缺乏自信,即使她擁有了那麼多的優點,她仍然經常地覺得自己不夠好。她可能覺得自己不夠堅強,不夠有上進心,不夠能幹。她總是愈想愈擔心,愈沮喪。因此,她非常需要你給她鼓勵和安慰。你大聲說話或是一個不耐煩的表情,都可能讓她心碎。更不要說你變心囉!那很可能對她是致命的打擊。魚座女人的心是玻璃做的,既然她交給了妳,你可得小心呵護才行。
第3, 許多魚座的女子有自我放逐的傾向。主要原因還是她們很容易深陷於一種情緒之中無法自拔(尤其是悲傷的情緒)。傷心的遭遇加上她們豐富的想像力,終於把自己變成了被全世界遺棄的悲劇角色。有不少的雙魚座女子在遭到家庭變故、感情挫折等等打擊之後,耽溺於酗酒、吸毒,甚至於習慣性的自殺。
第4, 雙魚座的女子幾乎都不怎麼有金錢觀念。你知道嘛!追求浪漫的女孩,多半都不太會打算盤,「預算」的觀念;她們或許要在幾次慘痛的經驗之後,才能稍微培養一些。我有魚座的女友,本身工作的收入不怎麼高,嫁得老公也是中等收入的公務員,可是每次我們一起逛街的時侯,她總會忘情的買一些令她「眼睛一亮」的東西。八千塊的的皮鞋,一萬多一條的裙子,往不加思索就帶回家了。回家之後,當然是打折又打折的向老公報價。不過,這種把戲在信用卡帳單寄來的時侯就穿梆了。
1.... 牡羊座:有時侯他會對妳的情緒不耐煩。而妳總是會因為他的粗心大意而覺得沮喪。
2.... 金牛座:他忠實的愛讓妳覺得溫柔而有依靠。但偶的大發雷霆和牛脾氣,妳就必須忍耐一下囉!。
3.... 雙子座:跟他在一起,妳可能受傷的機會很大。妳總在擔心自己是否只是他一時的玩伴而已。
4.... 巨蟹座:這樣的男人可能是最能給妳安全感的。妳們的情緒總能彼此配合、了解。他也會耐心的培養妳「金錢觀念」。
5.... 獅子座:你們星相並不合,但彼此間卻有極大的吸引力。國王般的獅子座男子令妳傾心,而妳的溫柔完全滿足了他男性的虛榮。
6.... 處女座:他是個良師益友型的男人,他或許不能配合妳的浪漫,但卻能給妳實際的安慰和幫助。
7.... 天秤座:開始的時侯,彼此或許會互相吸引。但是妳幻想在他的理性分析下,會變得荒謬又太情緒化。
8.... 天蠍座:他濃烈的情愛完全符合妳起伏洶湧的情緒,是可以轟轟烈烈的愛一場的對象。
9.... 射手座:他是直率而缺乏耐心的。因此,許多時侯你們都完全不配合。或許保持朋友關係會比較理想。
10.... 摩羯座:在許多方面你們都能配合的很好,而且有著互補的作用。這是可以成為妳精神支柱的男人。
11.... 水瓶座:他會試圖理解妳的喜怒哀樂,但步調上依然難以配合。妳也無法適應水平座男子的漠然態度。
12.... 雙魚座:兩隻魚的搭配,自然「永浴愛河」的機會很大。就怕情緒暗潮洶湧時,兩人會游向相反的方向。
I still got other horoscopes, if you need it, pm me.
Female Demon Ohyaku
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsJust fin watching this very classic old jap movie.. it's call Female Demon Ohyaku... The plot is quite classic.. avenging here and there.. interesting artish film to get away from now-a-days movies.. :)
Junko Miyazano stars as Okatsu, a humble actress turned avenging seductress after she's set up and unjustly sent to prison. Sword in hand and trademark demon tattoo across her back, Okatsu is pushed to the limit on her quest for bloody vengeance. In this early classic of the Japanese exploitation genre known as pinku eiga, sex and violence intermix in a cruel opera of physical torture, despair and bloodletting.
CastJunko Miyazono - Ohyaku Dayu
Tomisaburo Wakayama - Boss Minokichi of Otowa
Kunio Murai - ShinkuroKoji Minawara Hosei Komatsu
DirectedYoshihiro Ishikawa
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsIf you are not keen to slim down.. then dun complain you are getting fat and don't be upset if people say you are fat... You will b more FAT when you get older... Next time our new house we don't need to buy main door or gate liao... You can be the door... Cut cost.. but also cannot save much.. cos you are short.. cannot full up the whole door length... First you are fat then short.. Next you will get fatter and fatter.. First your primary school's friends don't recognize you.. Second, your sec school's friends don't recognize you.. Third, most of your friends don't recognize you. Darlin.. promise me that you cannot leave my sight for more than 2 days.. okie okie... I scare the 3rd day i don't recognize you...... REMEMBER If you are not keen to slim down.. then dun complain you are getting fat and don't be upset if people say you are fat..
Latest Laest 22/10/2008
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsI'm listening to whoever is talking.. wahhahahhaa...
Me & Peggie~~
me & peggie too~!
With Spect @ work
Act Cute me...
Office girl...
--::--::--My plan to Hong Kong::--::--::
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsPlaces that I want to go....
1) Giant Buddha/Po Lin Monastery
No trip to Hong Kong would be complete without a visit to the world's tallest, outdoor, seated bronze Buddha which sits serenely atop Ngong Ping plateau amid the spectacular mountain scenery of Lantau Island.The eyes, lips, incline of the head and even the right hand (raised to deliver a blessing to all), combine to lend great depth of character and dignity to this extraordinary statue.The majestic figure of the seated Buddha is 34 metres high, was cast in China and took over 10 years to complete. Weighing 250 tonnes, it was unveiled in 1993 amid deeply religious ceremonies.Visitors can climb the 268 steps to reach the platform where the Buddha is seated.Besides attracting Buddhists from all over Asia, the magnificent figure with its compelling presence almost instantly transformed the remote Po Lin Monastery with its devout monks into a must-visit on tourist schedules.The Po Lin Monastery is set amid spectacular mountain scenery on the 520-metre high Ngong Ping plateau.Besides admiring the massive statue there is also much to see and do at the monastery itself with its various figures of gods and other colourful manifestations of aspects of the Buddhist religion. You can even enjoy a vegetarian lunch prepared by monks.From Po Lin Monastery it's a short walk to the culturally themed village of Ngong Ping, where you can enjoy a variety of attractions as well as indulge in a bit of shopping and dining. From here you can take a bus or taxi to explore other parts of Lantau Island, including the famous stilt houses of Tai O Village, the magic of Hong Kong Disneyland and the interesting village Mui Wo, near the ferry pier.
2) The Peak
There's a reason why The Peak is one of the most popular attractions in Hong Kong: It is absolutely incredible! Looking down from The Peak you'll be amazed by the spectacular view of the surrounding city skyline, the world-famous Victoria Harbour and Kowloon, towering skyscrapers and peaceful green hillsides.Getting there is an unforgettable trip. There's nothing in the world like the Peak Tram. Pulled by steel cables, the tram climbs 373 metres (about 1,200 feet). It's so steep that the buildings you pass look like they're leaning at a 45°angle! Whether you're going up or coming down, you'll love this trip.And now this fabulous vista has been further enhanced by the 2006 revitalisation of one of Hong Kong’s most striking landmarks, the Peak Tower. Even more than before, it’s a destination in its own right.Once on The Peak, there are a number of locations providing magnificent views of the city below. For great continuous unfolding vistas, take the Peak Circle Walk or go directly to the Lugard Road Lookout for fabulous views over the harbour. There are more great vistas from the Lions View Point Pavilion and the viewing terrace at the Peak Galleria, as well as the Peak Tower Sky Terrace.
3)Ladies' Market
One of the most popular street markets in Hong Kong, Ladies' Market is a must-visit destination for fashion lovers with an eye for bargain-priced clothing, bags, accessories, toys, cosmetics and household knick-knacks. The stalls making up this enjoyable market can be found on Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok. It is open from noon until 11:30pm.
4) Ocean Park
Opened in 1977, Ocean Park is one of Hong Kong’s favourite attractions, featuring rides, exhibits and conservation facilities. Ocean Park is located on the southern side of Hong Kong Island, covering more than 870,000 square metres of land. There are three attraction areas, which are the Lowland, the Headland and Tai Shue Wan. The three areas are connected by a cable car and an outdoor escalator, which is the second longest in Hong Kong. No trip to Ocean Park would be complete without a stop at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Giant Panda Habitat to see the four giant pandas. The two newest additions, Ying Ying and Le Le joined long-time residents An An and Jia Jia in this world-class panda facility.
The park is also home to a fascinating Sea Jelly Spectacular, featuring more than 1,000 sea jellies of all sizes from all over the world. The Sea Jelly Spectacular offers a sensational undersea voyage for you to experience this most amazing undersea creature. The whole family can also enjoy SkyStar at SkyFair, a huge helium-filled balloon measuring 22 metres in diameter which soars more than 100 metres into the sky.Other popular attractions have included the Ocean Theatre, Abyss Turbo Drop, the Mine Train and new and fun-filled entertainment facilities are introduced from time to time and the Master Development Plan is now underway.Ocean Park is committed to promote and support animal conservation in Hong Kong and throughout the Asia region. It has, in cooperation with other conservation organisations, launched various conservation programmes for a number of endangered species, including whales and dolphins. In addition, it has successfully bred rare species of birds, sharks and butterflies.Visitors can purchase general admission tickets from:
Posted by: Me, 1 commentsA very cute website that let you be a photoshop pro by clicks! check it out!
Sickening Sick
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsI'm Sick...... Sickening Sick..... Kana Flu+Cough+Dry Thoat....
Am goin to Mitch birthday party this comin sat.. Hope tat i will feel better tat day.. but still cannot anyhow eat things.. sobsob.... Go to a BBQ birthday party but cannot eat BBQ food... sobsob...
Toilet plz!
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsYtd went to HQ for meeting with Yvette @ Robinson Rd untill 5.30pm...
You know what's the hardest thing u cannot find in a CBD area??
It's TOILET!!!!
After the meeting i want to go toilet~ my blander going to bast! I asked 6ppl, all tell me differ place.... for etc...:
person A tell me tat the nearest toilet @ CPF building..
at CPF building. person B tell me @ behind tat building..
person C tell me there no toilet.. so no choice but to ask person D (Starbucks' waiter)
person D tell me there no toilet, the nearest toilet is opposite building..
person E @ opposite building tell me tat turn right at the carpark got toilet.. but dun hav..
person F tell me tat the toilet somewhere @ basement..
And thanks to person F.. if not my blander will go head wired.. whahahaa.. but really pissed off de lor.. hai hai...
Too Much?!
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsPeople who think that my Darlin Baobei dote on me TOO MUCH....
1) Joanna
2) Derrick
3) Mitch
4) Eric
5) Joseph
6) Joys
7) Amy
The list will go on and on and on and on and on.......
Why ppl nv say I dote on my Darlin too much le???
Sobsob.. Darlin~~ I wan hug hug~~~~ Number 1 to number 7 bully me~~~~~~!!!!
Today dun seem to be a good day to me...
Just now wanna change posters then glass panel drop then my hand kana cut.. hai...
Bad Day.. Bad Day...
Posted by: Me, 0 commentsToday.. is Monday Blue..
Super sian.. dun feel like doing anything.. lol.. but ytd is a happy day for me~~ Darlin bought a new hp for me! Love Love Darlin lots lots.. Darlin dote on me the most! :D.. Still new to the phone.. wahahaha..
Lester Ang and Lydia Tang
0n 03/9/2008!!!!
And so sweet of dear tat she book a room at M hotel fro me to rest! :).. but hor.. i 4get to take pic of their suite!! alamak!!! blur me.. Anyway, here's the limited photos/video I took.. haha..
My M Hotel Room-:



Little bar with tiny acol.. so cute!! but 1 bottle cost $12.. omg! chips: $3.. chocolate:$4..

soft drinks: $4.50 each.. evan water: $12... see liao wan to vomit blood.. whahahah...



View outside my 23th floor room.. hmmm... look like lego.. wahahaha..

Do i look like some mistress @ hotel?? whhhahaahhaa.. opz! hehe..
Here's the video-:
I know la.. my video is boring. whaahaha.. :)